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Pixiv betrayal of 3D artist is unforgivable...They don't want us 3D artist anymore

  So basically, Pixiv have admitted that they have decided to back stab 3D artist regardless of the content.... After lying to their own community all this time they went all out and chose to kick all 3D Photo-realistic artist from the platform. And while they will only just half ass their way through the policy just like they did with the loli stuff.. Only the 3D artist were targeted because they knew that if they outright terminated all of it, they would have been hated even more and not just by 3D artist, but the 2D artist as well who are now the only artist allowed to exist there. Look I'm not trying to force the people of Pixiv to do what they don't want to do, I'm not even trying to force anything on them.... I just wish they had of honored their word.  After reading their updated TOS this morning it just doesn't matter to them anymore whether or not the character is young looking or older, if it's 3D and "photo-real" made in Blender, Daz, etc they

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