KamasdevaSFM has the story driven potential


First of all I want to say I get real excited whenever I find out that one of my friends is doing a new animation video. It's like that feeling you get when you stepped into Kmart day one and forced your mother into the video game section to get you that Genesis or SNES console. 

If you are familiar with KamasdevasSFM work then you know that he's one of those artist I should of talked about a long time ago, but somehow forgot to mention. I don't too much keep track with a lot of these guys like I use to on tumblr because the majority of them are with Twitter now, and I fucking hate twitter...The community is the worse and I much rather just avoid them. Therefore I have to keep up with what certain artist are doing outside of that community. With that said, Kamasdevas and I met around the same time I met DesireSFM, so this was back in 2017 when Tumblr was still thriving.

 One of the things I really love about Kama's work is that he's deeply invested in both sexual material and story content and does a terrific job blending both of these elements together. You can see the amount of effort, and work that goes into the story and he keeps everything synced up so well too. I only reviewed a few of his work, and he seems to work a lot faster than most animators even for someone who makes longer projects. Some people have expressed the sex in his work often looks rushed. I do agree with that to some extent but he is getting slightly better each time.

 When it comes down to other artist that invest in these story type projects most artist just want to get you to the sex as quickly as possible so they don't have time for drawn out plot devices, but Kamas builds up the plot first, and it moves it along smoothly! This is exactly what Rigid3D's animation could of and SHOULD HAVE been with the tyrant roughing up Jill.. Kama uses great models, sometimes the faces aren't too perfect but none of the women in his work look comical or have odd shapes. So everything looks as if its in-game and that works well enough for me.

Kama's has done resident evil futanari work before in the past, so this wouldn't be the first time he's done this. And with him and Desire both working up new Resident Evil projects this year, I'd say now is the perfect time to start supporting them if your looking for something new because I've stressed this before in my other blog where I complained and addressed the lack of creative futanari content. 

KamasdevasSFM is always trying to come up with new and refreshing ideas, and I truly love and respect the artist for this. The only downside to his work is that the sex still needs a lot of work quality wise, it's not bad or anything. It just needs more improvements and we talked about that before so I know that he understands this. 

We talk a lot on discord, and I try to offer some guidance and advice even if I don't have any animating experience myself. When I did a review for one of his earlier animations in the past, it was for his Batman project involving Harley Quinn and Supergirl. The animation at the time was the first one of his I had the pleasure of watching and eventually reviewing. We laughed about that Man Eater song, and he continued to make more sequels to the animation that became successful. One of the main things that does separate him apart from the competition is that he's willing to try and experiment with new ideas and concepts. 

I said it before how much we need artist like this to invest in. KamasdevaSFM understands the important value of presentation and I believe this is why he likes to create story lines for all or at least most of his work. Some people could argue that idea wise he's a lot better than most futanari animators, at least to me I believe so and a lot of that have to do with him being experimental with characters no one else is using. 

I say that because he's not afraid to take risk, he's not afraid to mix things up, hell he just used Annette Birkins and she's not even POPULAR. I truly hate it when artist only choose characters based on whether or not they are favorable by a lot of people vs giving someone less commercially known a chance.Its like how many times do we need to keep seeing characters from Overwatch? Popular game yes, but terrible characters.

 So it's like we both share the same vision on that whole thing about giving unpopular female characters their big break. He even gave Nadine Ross a futanari spotlight so I believe he's worth the support because he's doing what so few little artist are willing to do. I've always had confidence in his work, and always believed that he had what it took to get to where he wanted to be as an artist. I never forgot to mention, he's one of those innovators I was talking about when I was discussing this about Box Of Want. You have some very talented artist among us, that really want to make the most and best of what they are doing.

Therefore I believe it's fair to return the favor, support them and help them thrive. kamas has done a shit ton of futanari animations over the past few years, and sometimes his work goes right over my head because I never see him posting much. I went ahead and joined back up with his patreon page to see what he was up to and learned that he's been VERY ACTIVE on the futanari scene..He was actively posting on PornHub, but then PornHub started removing everyone's content that weren't verified members...

He's done a hell of a lot more animations than the majority, and even if the sex quality is still in need of work, you can see that he invest and put a lot of time and effort into creating these videos. He certainly has too many for me to do a review for lol. But I'd love to whenever I have some time to go through any of his videos I've not seen yet. I am however looking forward to his RE-S Virus 2 video. I know it's going to be a spectacular movie! 

Seriously when Kama animates action scenes in his animations they are extremely fluid! I noticed this in his Ultimate Tournament animation. It looks exactly like the gameplay from Street Fighter itself taking place. There aren't too many artist/animators capable of even adding that much detail to a pornographic animation because they'll say its too much work. I've seen a lot of action moments in Kama's animations where the kicks, punches, and falling down animations were well made. Some people have said they looked a bit sloppy. I don't know it looks perfect too me so maybe they are looking at it from a different angle or perspective.

The action moments definitely look a hell of a lot more challenging than the sex in his animations, at least to me it seems that way..Or maybe the sex moments is harder than the fighting moments. Either way, his work is still good and I approve of all that he does. This isn't something you could expect from a Blender animator, he did all this in SFM!


Check out the fighting action in the opening parts of this animation for an example of how great he is at doing this^


I never thought I'd see the day when someone would finally give Annette Birkins a full length role...So glad Kamas did this with her because I've been wanting to see her FOREVER ever since that remake came out, I was turned on by her. He could of just went the Lady D route which I'm sure he will in the future since she became the most popular female villain of all time overnight.

 Anyway Kamas got a very open mind, and we have a few things in common with each other. That's one of the major reasons why I approve of his content, is because he's not worried about a characters popularity, he'll pretty much give anyone an opportunity in one of his animations and I'd love to see animators like DesireSFM do this as well if he's ever interested in taking that chance. 

Well his new animation is finally out, but I'm not going to review it until after he publicly release it so I can use more gifs from the video. I'm not going to post anything else from it because that would ruin his work if I did that before he released it himself. I'm sure he won't mind me using just this one gif of Annette getting freaky with Ada. And of course the cover release at the top. The other animations are from two separate animations he already released a long while ago. But I'm not sure if I'll write about them or not.

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