Character profile changes are coming
This first image at the top of this blog isn't a character profile, it's more of a character sheet. Character profiles tend to have more information and only one image present. I've only recently started working on character sheets. These are a lot less hectic looking and more enjoyable to make than the record files. With these I can showcase the characters assets. There are also multiple character sheets for each character, some will show the various different clothing they wear, others will be of them completely naked with a front, back, side view so show off their body appearance.
Well we go extra lengths to making everything truly stand out to avoid being compared to other users that create art through DAZ. People however should now and understand by now that DAZ has done a lot to make creating 3D content easier for people who just don't have the time to do everything from the ground up. If it wasn't for DAZ I wouldn't bother at all trying to figure out how to rig, make bones, then having to create every object I need to use.
With that said there are a lot of changes coming to character profiles and character sheets. Over time I've gone over most of them and noticed flaws I want to change, there are also important information detail about each character I need to rewrite over or remove. There are a lot of profiles that have to be updated, and I did think about cutting the dialog down since I write a lot of information about every character.
I want people to know as much as there is to know about them in their record file. Some character record files are cut quite short but the important characters always get a full length analysis about who they are, what they do, and their role in which ever series I have them involved in. I've also changed some story titles over time, Bad Apple's is no longer called Bad Apple's anymore, instead I was thinking along the lines of Vanity Street but then the word street just seemed to overused. I could go with a simple title naming it "EMMA" to it reflects the main character but I never liked these type of titles where a movie, tv show, or comic book used the protagonist name.
It would make a lot of sense to have it reflect all the characters present in the series even if the protagonist of the series is the most important character of all. I think for the most part I wrote a lot of profiles in a terrible way. When I was going over the written context in some of them I was gnashing my teeth and questioning whatever logic I was using to write some of this stuff. I kept saying "why did I write it like that? This sounds terrible! And to think thousands of viewers on Pixiv saw it!" There were times when I would just pull images down and try to make corrections, then repost and hope people would notice the changes or at the very least, forgot about the horrible writing I may have done in a profile I didn't correct or change in time.
The thing about me is that I dont consider myself a master of the pen, when I write up a background story for one of these characters that I intend to use in a profile. I don't too much think about it, I just write whatever I'm thinking about and if something starts sounding too out of the ordinary then yes I want to go back and fix it.
I can't live with ideas that sound off putting when I go back and check it again. I've had this problem with some of my graphic novels or as some people like to them call them "comics." I would make one and assume people will enjoy it (which they always do). But in the end I go back and look at what I created or written and I'm questioning myself "Why did I do this? Why didn't I do that?!"
Those three women in prison stories I made in 2020 that I had to pull before too many people had access to them..The sad part is that a lot of people had already read the free copy I had on Pixiv censored so a lot of people witnessed the horrible decision I made even if they liked the work. I made the best decision to get rid of those three books so I can go back and remake them again, this time BETTER.
I recall looking at all three of these books last year and then going back to re-read them from beginning to the end again this year and the lighting was just shit on all fronts. Some scenes had better lighting than others, but I also couldn't get over all the chaotic writing and how some scenes just had far too much talking and dialog. I read a lot of comics and I noticed most comic book creators do this.
They write a lot of dialog, even Marvel and DC do this. At least when I fix all the character profiles that need updating. I can make newer ones for characters that never got one. I've had fun putting together the character sheets. I think the reason the record files tend to be boring is because I have to write up a lot of information about them...The part I hate doing is the bio portion of it. It comes easy and natural if it's a character I use a lot already. But characters I barely did anything artistic at all with is usually the hardest to write up a background story for since they are a fresh face no one really seen before.