Eric Logan III, Where Are You?!

I have always hated super hero comic books written by the likes of Marvel and DC, they got much worse over THE years with all the political shit they do with them nowadays to appeal to the "progressives" insulting their original fan base that supported them for decades.

The only way I'd ever bother with any of the lesbian tales they try to force so hard with these characters, it would have to be explicit material aimed at adult audiences.  Otherwise I don't give a damn about Bat Woman and the number of women she fell in love with, or that Harley Quinn is a closet lesbian because of Poison Ivy..I still doubt she would ever prefer Ivy over Joker's psychotic dick in her mouth though. I never understood why they needed a Batwoman anyway when Bat Girl exist and is far more popular with a better costume too. Of course I never cared for either of these women...Until......


  THIS^ This turned me into a Powergirl fan even if I don't know a lot about her origin story, comic books are so extensive with this stuff. I thought Powergirl was a different heroine, but then I find out she's just a stronger, maturer milf version of Supergirl with a better, sexier looking outfit from another universe... but it's still lame that it's the same damn person, just different identity.  I need more stuff of her as a futa though. I should do it my damn self...
Cause this is giving me all kinds of erotic ideas....
Just need to find
someone to make that exact costume with the exposed chest lol. I hate her Injustice outfit which I have seen for Daz studio several times...the one that covers her beautiful legs and thighs, it's freakin ugly. The worse costume I've ever seen a mainstream DC character wearing. They didn't even screw up Wonder Woman's costume like that. But the version Rigid used is her classic sexy Leotard look, that's the one I want! Not that shitty Injustice one where she's fully covered...God I hate what they started doing with female characters these days.

All I want is to see Powergirl wailing on Cat Woman or that one rare masculine muscular villain chick Red Claw from Batman putting her in a headlock naked while she sucks on and shoves her tongue ear drum deep into her ear whispering dirty offensive words into her mind and I might be interested these damn books. So Even though I never liked super hero/heroine reading material as a kid I still enjoyed watching super hero television shows A LOT. Hell I had a lot of X-men action figures. But no one could ever get me to pick up and actually read a super hero comic other than one artist, and that artist name is Eric Logan III.

Eric Logan III is one of those special type of artist you find out about and then you become extremely excited about the rest of their work that they have to offer. There are somethings he did that I definitely didn't like, for instance he did a few stories back in the day about these dumb super heroines (Sharon was written to be the dumbest intentionally), he often did stories about all these strange creatures and humanoid animal men the Herione often had sex with..Porkium was one of the weirdest of the bunch, the guy had a strange dick that looked more like a giant worm attached to him from the movie Tremors. 

They weren't Silent Hill sexy I can get into those monstrosities any day of the week, he often did things involving giant bug creatures and so forth. Sex with insects is always a huge hell no for me I'll make an exception for Jurogumo only because she's half woman, half spider and I've seen a few explicit themes involving her. But just regular insects like giant roaches, and shit hell no lol. But Eric isn't afraid to go there.

 The Heroines didn't just screw around with humanoids they even fucked horses, every and anything with a dick they heeded the call and took on the challenge. Logan had a very wild imagination but I doubt people overlooked him just because he did terrifying things to his heroines. He was one the first super heroine comic artist back in the early days that did actual highly detailed explicit super heroine stories, and he was very GOOD AT IT.

Porkium certainly wasn't the only disturbing humanoid creature the dumb and useless heroines had sex with, there was also the weird mole like creatures, a rat-man and so on. I just never liked any of those stories as much as the girl on girl, heroine on heroine stories he was doing. They just seemed a little "generic" because he never bothered to do enough female villains, instead the heroines took most of their abuse from male monsters. 

Some people disliked the scat content he did which I thought was unique and complimented his art style very well, it wasn't a constant thing. There were also the tales that involved the heroines having their tits completely drained to the point they became extremely flat/saggy which turned a whole lot of people off or at least the usual suspects that complained about the specific directions he was going in. You know E-Hentai...that site where it's impossible to appeal to people if your ideas are too abnormal.

Most of his early work were also commissions, I assume he got paid very well for these comics because the pages were quite long and extensive. The art style was always the best thing about him, Eric is extremely talented in what he does and even if there are some things in his work you may not like. He's always been the type of artist I admired for how well the stories are written and all the great artwork he was always capable of crafting. The question is how much writing do we need to keep things from appearing long winded? This is something I have always wondered or questioned if we as artist and story tellers were getting this right or wrong. Are we writing too much dialog or too little of it? How can we balance dialog in a comic book?

How much dialog is too much or too little in a comic/graphic novel? Marvel and DC (I hate them) tend to do this as well, if you've read some of their books you'll notice that the writers write a whole lot of dialog. I believe this is necessary for when your characters may have a lot to say, but it can become long winded if you have six pages between and each of them is jam packed with characters talking too much. 

The best part about this is that there is plenty of dialog that carries the sexual content along nicely. Without this you would just have a bunch of empty pages with sex scenes and no dialog. Dialog certainly does help and compliment what Logan does with his drawings even if someone else is the one writing the content and he handles all the drawing work. I honestly love the written material so I'm not bothered by it.

 And the sex? Oh my the sex! There is always this high level of detail and he does know how to draw some of the best damn action I've seen. You get to see gorgeous voluptuous big breasted heroines stretched, gaped, prolapsed beyond their limits, sometimes their entire intestines will be hanging out of their powerful assholes. I've seen people turn their noses up in disgust at this on sites like E-Hentai. I have seen this guy do things before that I have not seen anyone else do with sexual material on an artistic level. So it really is impossible for me to be turned off by some of his extreme ideas when he's one of the rare ones like myself that does interesting things with futanari and girl on girl that nobody else have even remotely tried to imitate.

 Eric Logan is one of those unique artist that never holds back on what he's trying to accomplish, the rape elements are spectacular when a powerful dominant futa delivers on a weak woman. I'm always aroused when I'm looking at the images, the characters will do things to you. I just wish that their breast weren't so enormous. But it's hardly even a complaint from me since I've overlooked the huge tits for ages and have sort of gotten use to them by now.

Though my biggest gripe with some of his work was that the heroines seemed like ordinary women to me at times but in costumes with no actual powers except you do witness them at times displaying their abilities. I knew that he wasn't creating these stories for you to take seriously. A lot of his heroines are in fact based off actual super heroines which is part of the reason why I enjoyed his content aside from how well he does sexual scenes. 

You have Barbie Bolt which was Super Girl except smaller than the heroines that raped her, Wonder Weasel is a female Robin, Star Busty is pretty much Powergirl, Cybelle I believe was suppose to be Wonder Woman but he has another one called Major Wonder although Cybelle's gear/clothing looks very identical to Wonder Woman. Eric called all his girls Freedom Stars. I usually had a difficult time understanding the plots in some of his work other than the ones I really liked and re-read a dozen times.


 -The year says 2022, so maybe I'm just far behind..Just that he doesn't have that many 2022 releases. I'll have to look deep into this or maybe see if his contact is the same and find out what's up. I keep track of artist I socialize with on a regular basis and Eric is one of those artist I never tried to build a solid relationship with like I have with StevenCarson, DesireSFM, Kamasdeva, etc..

I admit I've not been very active looking at pornographic material lately. That means I don't spend as much time browsing the web for it like I use to in the past and half the time I don't even want to produce it myself anymore especially with all the censorship and bullshit changes that social media keeps going through to make things harder to even create anything. So if he's still active and I failed to know about it, it's because I haven't kept up with him. So my fault for thinking he went MIA when he's just taking his time working.

Eric never seemed to bother much with sequels to some of them either. Every now and then you saw one heroine or their apprentice/sidekick once per story. He had his favorites of course, super heroines that often appeared multiple times. Normally I can tell who is the cover girl of an entire series or the artist main chosen one to represent everything they are doing. Sharon I think is head of the Freedom Stars but I can't be too sure of this. It could be one of the others, it just seems that Sharon is the popular one that appears the most.

I also wasn't too crazy for some of them having the usual over sized dicks either. I still found everything else going on inside Eric's mind mesmerizing and so this brings me to the question..What ever happened to him and why did he stop making comics? Or is he just taking a long hiatus for awhile? Eric was one of the first super heroine comic artist I got into, and one of the very best too. I had a conversation with him a few times on Hentai-Foundry but every platform he was once active on he hasn't done any new work in a good while.

It got me to thinking if Super Heroine XXX comics/stories were still valuable or a thing that was in demand but I don't see a lot of artist taking advantage of it either. Eric Logan is the reason why I tried my hand at this myself back when I use to do some of those Wonder Woman XXX comics I tried to get popular. I'm no fan of DC or Marvel by any stretch, but I do think that Super Heroine explicit stories can still work and have value. Why? Because Super Heroines will always be something people are attracted to. Who the hell doesn't like to see sexy ladies in clad super heroine gear? Well the SJWs and feminist types...Obviously.

                               I wish I had a Wonder Weasel Character

I use to keep a close eye out on anything new he was working on. Many artist have retired, and some probably even passed on, others take years to complete something...It's just that there aren't any other artist quite like him to take his position to keep the heroine theme going. I looked into this and Eric Logan III truly was one of a kind at doing this sort of thing. Nobody else comes even close to him, plus most super heroine comics are done in 3D by artist that are terrible at it. Eric had this special talent, a way of drawing his women, how they kissed each other, the way the dicks entered a defenseless orifice, those exposed glistening looking pussies and gaped assholes, he was so damn good at creating! He was truly one of the greatest there ever was at this super heroine theme. 

 He did a few stories that I enjoyed, but not enough of them. Some I skipped over because I didn't like the males in any of them, the one he did with Wonder Weasel I read it partially through just because I liked the female robin character and it's the only story she was ever in. After the males show up I lost interest with the book. I did read it thoroughly eventually only because the comedy was funny as hell. I just got annoyed with the damn guys after awhile and Sharon acting like a POS loser. Wonder Weasel did fight back and tried to even flee. The way the story was written it just made the super heroines seem like such a joke. I'm thinking if he had any Super heroines that would have kicked the guys asses and then turned the table of dominance over. It wouldn't have made the story any better though because...Males. 

Regardless his super heroines get humiliated by everyone which seems to be the whole purpose of them in his stories is for them to be humiliated either by violent males or violent heroines. I don't think he ever bothered to create a full blown cast of villains though which is a shame, there was potential there for him to do this but he never did. Sometimes you see one of the villains that had some kind of intergalactic thing going on, they might have two dicks and look more alien in appearance. He had variety on these characters but you see them at least once then they disappear forever. So it's not like he created any popular characters people would know off the top of their heads aside from his usual picks.

He talked about a group of gangs in the Wonder Weasel story which turned out to be a group of violent black males with horror movie size dicks. The fat fuck one was always talking about eating heroines alive people did get pissed with this character because he went on and on about cannibalism throughout half of the damn book. Of course the angry mob came from E-Hentai that hated this guy, hell I found him annoying myself because I'm thinking "Why is this guy always talking about cannibalizing the women?". 

The leader looked like that Wesley Pipes mutha fucker and had the funniest lines, there was some skinny one that was always ranting about how he can't cum unless he gets to shoot it in a heroines face. I won't lie the dialog in that story was hilarious as hell and the only reason I read it entirely. I just hated how Wonder Weasel never got another story and I wanted more of her in older girl action instead of those irritating street thugs that looked like they stepped out of Static Shock...Fucking ass Bang Babies..XDDD.

Aside from these cartoonish villain guys, he had a couple of female super villains he showed once then they disappeared...That's the only major flaw with his work, he never did enough to flesh out his villain characters further. Sometimes the heroines fought monsters and all sorts of other things but again he didn't create enough comics for them to become full fledged villains and heroines for people to get to know more about.

I respected Eric for being a talented artist that could create interesting characters regardless of some of them lacking more exposure than others and the writer (who I believe was different for each book) always managed to display excellent story telling for each one I found interest in thoroughly reading. Some people would probably be put off by some of them because of all the dialog, they have a tendency to go on forever but it carries the sexual nature of these stories well so it didn't bug me at all that there was a lot of writing. 

I do still wonder if I should get into doing super heroine comics again like I use to do in the past. The thing about it, I never got the chance to take it further.  Eric never bothered to use mainstream super heroines for copy righted reasons. He simply came up with his own and based some of their outfits off mainstream heroines everyone knows about from Marvel and DC. You can look at them and tell which ones they're suppose to be an imitation or parody of.

It works, and I just wish that he never stopped producing. Artist like this are rarely made anymore in todays current climate where everyone is just desperate and doing what they feel is trendy or currently "It"so you won't find too many artist trying to invent something new or capitalize off a genre that needs more exposure.

I'm only interested in genres that are worth my time, and Eric Logan he was worth it. The guy could draw some of the sexiest women ever, and he knew how to get you off. If you could overlook all the extreme stuff he was doing like the scat ( I have no qualms about scat since I do it myself or use to a lot in the past), prolapsed assholes with their intestines hanging out their gaped asshole, the flat saggy old lady tits after being milked, the weird animal-males with the bizarre shaped dicks, and so on. Well you would realize the artist was valuable and had something no one else had. 

Creative ideas that made the futanari genre and lesbian erotic femdom content entertaining. I'm the complete opposite because I indulge in a niche theme myself. Horror Erotica Femdom Art and Erotic Action Thrillers. I learned to live and accept Eric Logan III for making heroines actually interesting enough for me to read about them. Yes I'm sure real super heroines have much better and detailed story-lines because they are written in a serious way, but I also find it very boring, there's no way I can read any of DC or Marvel's heroine material even before they went all political crazy. I still can't get into any of it.

I think the most recent work Logan did was in 2020-2022 so that wasn't very long ago at all. I'm not sure how long he takes to complete a project, but I do wish that he could do more futa heroine stories and less of the male on female material. Seems like he have a whole lot more stories involving his heroines being destroyed by human men and male monsters rather than other women and futa's. 

Even if he just did regular girl on girl without any of them having a dick I would be cool with it since I know he doesn't do boring stuff. It just seems boring as far as who gets chosen in what story with some of the projects I don't like, because sometimes I'll get bored with the male monsters thinking how much more into it I would be if they were female monsters instead if I had to accept them being non-human.

Either way I still read most of his comics just because I enjoy reading explicit comics even if some of the material itself isn't intended for me as the type of audience he aims his content at. The prolapsed asses and everything didn't phase me one bit. Its the costumes they wear that kept me drawn to it, I find it hard to resist women wearing sexy heroine gear, the leotard style outfits with the backside part hiked tightly into their round asses will turn even heterosexual women lesbian after they spend enough time eyeballing the characters. 

And the fact that he draws them as older milf types makes it even better. Sometimes there are young ones with them but most of the stories are focused on the maturer heroines. My favorite younger ones is Barbie Bolt and Wonder Weasel, but like I said before...He only introduces each one to one story then they disappear. Like in his older work Freedom Stars Cattle Call he introduced four women but only three of them I never saw again, Glory Girl, American Fox, and American Angel. He might do separate, non comic related drawings of them. But as far as the comics themselves, it seems that certain characters get one story.

 Only his main women make consistent appearances like Ms. Americana, and of course Sharon who I think is the series protagonist since she have that look about her that makes her seem like the protagonist even though he created her to be the dumbest of all heroines in his works and she gets her ass kicked around a lot. She sort of looks like a female gambit with the headgear on. All she need is the coat. In my final words, Eric Logan is capable of creating erotica and serious story telling with good humor blended along with it. He may not be as detailed about it like actual super hero artist in the industry, but he's still good enough to do his own thing with heroines. 

I wish more artist were like him, because if they were I would gladly be more invested in what they can do. I didn't even find out about futanari until 2005-2006 when Bible Black first came out. I don't know any super herione artist that does strictly girl on girl type of content at least not this damn good. Logan III would benefit the most from it. Because there's no one else like him doing this sort of thing. But if you looked into his work, you would notice he can make any thing work.

I was already interested in girl on girl but I didn't have strong preferences like I do now. It would be nice if Eric Logan could make a come back and create some newer content, I do miss all the super heroine material. You can only read the same comics an infinite number of times before you start craving more from a particular artist.  Logan was the best, and after re-reading some of his older work it got me in the mood to do super heroine material myself again. 

The genre certainly still has plenty to offer, and I'm positive people are still interested in it. The fact that he was able to make his own unique heroines even if they were somewhat inspired by Marvel and DC heroines shows that people that can rely on their own characters vs mainstream ones is certainly the best at conjuring up new ideas because they aren't worried if people will accept them vs him depending on heroines people are familiar with. He's a creative genius and I have nothing but respect for Eric Logan for what he accomplished over the years. 

I'll probably make a tribute collage dedicated to his stuff, he have a lot of drawings and comics that I collected over the years. All the more reason I wish more material like this existed, sadly it doesn't and I don't think there is an artist around that could outdo him in this genre either. When I talked to him a few years ago he was ecstatic about his work as he should be.  While most old sites died and went under like what happened to Innocent Dickgirls :(  I was happy to know that still exist where you can find most of Eric's work among other artist doing super heroine material. Now excuse me while I go check superherionecentral for updates I've not been on that site since 2010 but I checked this month and it's still there with the same outline and look it had since I found it way back in the day. Glad it still looks the same, I get nostalgic from it -grinning-

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