Sex with demon possessed women, is it possible and dangerous?

That guy have no idea what he's doing, I would have been making all kinds of vicious noises with her. But the one on the ceiling was always doing the killings. Poor bastard didn't get to even have his release.

I have come across a lot of articles lately about Satanism, devil worship, human sacrifices, and sexual abuse all related to Demon Possessions. I believe the subject itself is fascinating, something worth studying about even if it makes me uncomfortable at times. Maybe because to some extent, I believe in demons just not on the level of those that the majority of religious people believe in them.

 I don't know anything what so ever about the Occult's outside of fiction aside from what religious sources have reported about them that I've read when I decided to study demon possessions. I learned how exorcisms are performed and whether or not someone ever had a real sexual experience with someone possessed by a demon and survived the outcome if the possession was for real and not just someone staging the act or drunk off their ass. Maybe high off some serious drug/medication which I've seen create demonic like behavior among people. But you know it's not the same thing so drunk and reactions from medication, abusing drugs, or someone not taking their meds don't count.

I had some other fascination in mind aside from the usual articles I found since I didn't care about all the stuff related to sacrifices, or people even torturing animals in rituals, and so on. What I do know is that I love fiction that tackle dark themes that most people are too afraid to go anywhere near and I don't need gore to convince me that something is terrifying or psychologically fearful. My own mother is a very spiritual person, a strong believer in Christ. When me and my brother were just kids she tried her damnest to raise us as religious men and I still carry the weight on my shoulder feeling as though I failed my mother because I failed to become a Christian man.

Even though I don't consider myself a full blown degenerate just because of the things I do with the art I create or the kind of dark thoughts I normally have. A lot of the times it's just me trying to cope and creating what I find fascinating or interesting. I still have principals, and morals because a man without them is destined to make crappy decisions that could easily affect his personal life in a very bad way.  

Anyway part of me wants to experience things I normally wouldn't want to do because of the consequences of doing it can come back and haunt me later in life. I have had all kinds of strange dreams and dangerous thoughts throughout most of my life. I've had lots of dreams about women being possessed for some reason and it seems easy to be tempted and fall for them. The downside is manipulation, if only they weren't planning to harm you then the decision would be easier except for that whole "I just pissed off God" thing because you slept with a demon possessed woman and enjoyed her evil voice begging you to hurt her pussy harder. All religions see demons the same way, evil entities. But I believe there's more to them than that.

 In Saint Sinner the succubus were always killing the men, it's not like they were searching for a permanent lover or someone to be loyal, or devoted to. So it put this perspective into my head that demon possessed people have evil intentions on harming others the moment they give into lust and fornicate with them. And then someone once asked the question "are there any good demons?"

A big part of the thoughts I have been dealing with recently is because of my depression, loneliness and endless levels of unbound inner anger with Western civilization and the people purposely destroying it. If I live somewhere that's being destroyed as planned I'm going to have grievances and want to destroy you as well. What better way to release all that hatred by fucking a demon possessed woman hard and fast as she whisper evil shit into my ear when I'm about to unload on the inside of her. For some reason hearing those masculine feminine voices fused together is a turn on. I don't know I'm weird that way. Saint Sinner the succubus kept my dick harden every time they spoke, and I was just wondering how hard I would have came listening to them dirty talk to me like that. I'm so damned! -cowards in a corner biting my nails-

Having sex with a demon possessed woman is one of those dangerous thoughts I've wondered about for quite some time. In my early teen years when I had my first wet dream, I woke up covered in semen all over my body. The experience itself lead to a whole lot of questioning, why was this happening to me? Was someone in my family sneaking into the room to do stuff to me in my sleep?! No one in my family would do that! I'm trying to determine which one of my female cousins was sneaking into the room and being an incestuous freak since I lived with my aunt and five female cousins back then.

This happened to me several times before it stopped which made me disappointed since it always felt like I was having these powerful releases in my sleep. Something that has never happened to me as an adult, and I use to wonder how did I end up lathered in so much semen. I then came to the final conclusion that I was visited upon by female demons in the night taking advantage of me in my sleep because the amount of fluids I was lathered in was insane! It was like someone poured a lot of oil or something on my body. It didn't seem natural. 

The more I thought about it, the more intense my ejaculations in my wet dreams became. The feelings were so intense that it was hard to believe any of it was happening to me. Of course I was too ashamed to go to my uncle and talk to him about these experiences and the changes I was having with my own body. I could never be as open about this kind of thing like my oldest male cousin was whenever he discussed specific experiences he was having. So I just kept it to myself and never had anyone to openly discuss the topic with.

My fascination with demon possessed women didn't happen in my teen years however, nope it was much much later when I first saw that movie based on one of Clive Barkers piece of work somewhere in the later half of the early 2000s, Saint Sinner. The movie had two succubus women that traveled throughout the city searching for male prey to feast upon. Before they killed their victims the succubus sisters would have wild crazy sex that would send them into this sex crazed frenzy. 

 The younger sister was the one I found my attraction to the most and she was the one doing most of the sex scene segments, she ended up getting pregnant and gave birth to some nasty cockroach looking creature that emerged violently out of her stomach, Species III style...hated that damn scene. So I was exposed to sex with demon possessed women in these "Devil movies" as they are referred to.

Some of the scenes had some very disturbing death moments even during sex. But the point is, I was having uncomfortable thoughts feeding into my mind about sex with demon possessed women and I've been warned before that I shouldn't play around with these sort of thoughts. Do I believe in demon possessions to the point of feeling afraid? No, not really because there is no evidence that demon possessions have actually happened.

                     I will have to find a better one without that stupid watermark being in the way. But I believe this scene is what put even more crazier thoughts into my head in the first place. Although the end results was quite predictable. I never seen this movie before and I knew that once the priest couldn't control his urges, the demon was going to succeed at seducing him and won by tempting him, something even I wouldn't have fell for. 

I would have been too afraid of her biting off my ear, or her pussy having teeth on the inside of her that would have ripped my dick off the moment I was inside of her. The consequences was not worth the experience of becoming possessed... But I'll get more into that later in the blog. Still I won't deny this shit really turned me on....The evil voice, the seducing, I was definitely hard for the first time in many years from a softporn moment in a horror movie, even real porn is failing to get me off these days, yet this scene made me want to beat the shit out of my dick.

I started out creating religious artwork a long time ago even though my career didn't last very long because I had other plans in mind and began developing this fascination with good vs evil. The thing is not every story I wanted to create would result in someone good prevailing over evil since I had grown extremely tired of seeing this all the time in movies, comic books, and video games.

I've read a few comics about demon possessions, and even seen a few movies related to it but I don't really believe in real demon possessions even though there are videos all over youtube featuring priest trying to caste out "demons" from someone that they believe have been possessed. You can call it bad acting if you want to. Films like the exorcist try to go through extreme lengths to make you believe that demon possessions are real or have happened before. The first movie from the 1970s was in fact based on a real life story about a girl who was considered to be demon possessed.

I knew a guy once who use to be too afraid to even talk about demon possessions when I mentioned a kink I had about wanting to have sex with a woman that is really possessed by real demons like how it is in the movies with the whole evil transformation, the pale dead skin, the evil scary ass voice, everything. I was just so aroused by the very dark thought of having extreme sex with these disturbing individuals. I felt guilty and disturbed by my own thoughts, at the same time I don't have any shame in the matter either.

I believe sometimes I think of wanting to do things because of my disconnection with reality half of the time.So sometimes I drift off into these dark thoughts to distract myself when I feel completely bothered by life when nostalgia isn't working for that specific day.

I'm probably just so mentally ill beyond belief that I had no idea what I was even thinking. Things like this happens when you kind of stop caring anymore. Sometimes I feel like God failed me on purpose but he let me end up in a world where I always got my ass kicked by life for no reason...Whenever I brought up the subject matter about sex with a demon possessed woman to the guy that hated it he would get scared and start to panic he believed that I was taking all kinds of risk, or just gambling with my soul by investing in this stuff so much.

 I had mentioned that I had grown bored of reality and sometimes the things I see in fiction whether it's movies or a book I read. I become drawn to it in a way outside of it enough to want to learn as to why would anyone have the kind of thoughts I'm having. Fear is a terrible weapon and I don't like living in fear. I would then challenge if these thoughts were dangerous or truly putting me at the risk of being damned by simply discussing it with people I felt would at least understand my position on the subject matter. From what I know religion is a powerful control tool regardless of the faith. That's not to say that I'm an atheist or anything. I do believe in something and usually wonder if there really is life after death.

There were times when I'd look up information about Baphomet because I needed something to work with in my artwork for horror reasons. And I'm staring at the naked Goat demon for 5 hard long minutes with it's exposed female chest but the goat hair on its chin is a turn off plus it's a goat and I don't find any attraction to animal like beings what so ever. I do recall some article claiming that Baphomet was both a female and a male of some sort fused into one, and there were all these analysis written about why the Goat looked the way that it did with it's androgyny appearance.

For some bizarre reason I started picturing a better version of the demon with less male features and I'm getting intense feelings of arousal from it. So I was overwhelmed with all this fear staring at a goat demon having all kinds of uncomfortable thoughts about fucking it hard up it's ass or unleashing my hatred of the world inside it's moist pussy hole and then telling it "You're the bitch! Now who's enslaving who?"  And I have this demon begging me let it go but I refuse to show it any mercy since I despise some of the things that dark forces have done to me when I felt suicidal and violent toward humanity.

Every time I looked at any imagery of demons I felt a strange sense of dark energy, light headed, dizzy, like I can just feel myself feeling something from the imagery and then it's like yes this thing is making me feel uncomfortable, I'm going to throw up. I can read Convent of Hell a thousand times featuring Baphomet abusing Nuns sexually and I never feel uneasy about it just strange at times. But that's why I enjoy the comic so much, it makes me feel something that other books don't make me feel. The truth is I'm not a Satanist or some Occultist follower either. I believe sex with demons or demon possessed people is quite terrifying if I must be honest about it. 

This just happens to be one of those things that fascinated me to the point of wanting to see what it would be like to experience that sort of ordeal for real with a demon possessed woman myself if possible. When I saw that demon possessed scene from the Movie Exorcist from God where the possessed woman seduces the Priest and successfully possesses him after she gets him to kiss her and touch her sexually between the legs (in her human form not the demon form). 

I'm thinking this is exactly what would happen if a man were to have sex with a demon possessed woman he would become demon possessed himself. It may be cliche for some people but demon possession is like some kind of disease when it can transfer from one person into the next this way. Sort of like Vamperism or zombification. 

This thought alone started to make me feel ill and sick that no I wouldn't want to take such a risk just to experience some abnormal sex with a possessed woman if it meant becoming possessed by whatever the hell it was driving her insane with rage, fury, and torment. Don't I already go through this sometimes even without the possession of a demon inside me?

It's like people who believe in Vampires, and there are people that even believe that they are vampires themselves, so they go around drinking blood and doing all kinds of psychotic risk altering junk to live out some risky fantasy of theirs but in actuality it's not a fantasy, these individuals and groups of people really believe in Vampirism.

 I watched a documentary about a guy that slept in a coffin, kept his entire house dark and never went out during the day so he only worked at night, and slept in during the day because he believed himself to be a real vampire, so he was really devoted to the lifestyle. He had a girlfriend who was turned on by the idea of being involved with a real vampire, so he admitted to biting her neck, sucking her blood, even torturing her and all sorts of things that got her off from it.

Then he talked about how he once drank someone's blood and it made him sick...Because they don't even clean the blood like what they do in medical labs before treating someone with it....Nope, they extracted large amounts of blood from people, put it into a chalice and drank it...It made me nauseated just even thinking about it. I tense up when I even think of people drinking blood fictional or real.

My thoughts have always been dark, they've just gotten darker over time due to depression,  intense anger, thoughts of suicide, uncontrollable rage, loneliness, the feeling of hopelessness, isolation, desperation, hating my shitty country that's being fucked over by warmongers and Marxist that prefer that everyone be miserable, scared, threaten and unhappy.

It's hard for me to deal with all of these things because my heart at times feel dark and black on the inside. For many generations men have sought out pleasures in life that may not be normal what so ever to cope with whatever pain they may be experiencing. It's easy to get caught up in the moment, wanting to do things and not realizing if there will be some kind of regret or judgement later. That's why I don't mess around with prostitutes because my principals will not allow it.

The thing is I could never help my condition and I've been told that people who believe in demons are in fact mentally ill, that they are just very delusional. I don't agree with this of course, I believe that there are forces of darkness that can control what we feel, what we think, or even seduce us to act out certain things we normally wouldn't do if we are spiritually broken or just somehow not very self aware, have very little self control and poor awareness over our own self consciousness. I'm a spiritually broken man, I'm always in emotional pain and I feel like crying all the time or hurting myself.

Speaking of consciousness I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia so I do often suffer from strange delusions, voices, etc. People have a tendency to act on impulse, sometimes it's just the experience itself that they are after.

I want a woman who I can roleplay any activity with, so if I tell her to put on some makeup and pretend to be possessed by demons I want her to convince me that it's for real! I'm going to wail on that bitch, deep, and long powerful stabs in her flesh with intense grunts of masculine power until she gets pregnant from the amount of cum I shoot inside her corrupted pussy.

Then I'll have the nurses put paint on my newborns face to make it look as though the mother gave birth to a curse -laughing-

My whole life I lived a restricted life of fear of certain things. I find reality so damn boring and irritating most of the time, frustrating and too damn short. Then I see all kinds of stuff about demons, demonic possessions, or crazier unbelievable things I never thought would ever be possible outside of fiction and pornography like real Lesbian Nuns practicing lesbianism in secrecy and I have to wonder if Nuns that engage in acts of real lesbianism are demon possessed since they are basically challenging their own faith by doing this and spitting in Gods face.

They could just leave the Nun life behind but they don't do this, they'll just keep their Lesbianism hidden. So I'm thinking a big reason for all of this would probably have something to do with taboo related matters. They most likely get some kind of rush out of having sexual relations with other women while living as a Nun at the same time. Some sort of thrill of sneaking around behind mother superior back to eat carpet in the confession booth. Serious Nuns would never do something like this though, it takes a lot of will power to be a true Nun especially after they take their vows. Most women are too weak to fight temptation which is why cheating is so damn common now.

I fought temptation a majority of my life because I never wanted to have sex with someone I didn't love or care about or hurt them either. And I was always getting hurt or disappointed by useless dipshit women so I knew that if I ever hurt someone in a relationship that never hurt me I would hate myself for it. I live in a country that doesn't even believe in promoting good values at all, NONE. It's all "do what you want even if you hurt someone else in the process of doing it, as long as it makes you feel good after you do it."

It's part of the reason I don't even bother with relationships anymore in the West. I hate mentally weak women and I see cheating and all that disloyal shit as being mentally weak. It doesn't help that you have sorry ass weak pathetic cuckoldry men that should have been aborted at birth who run around promoting and telling women to be dishonest pieces of shit, "oh it's so encouraging my wife fucks other men, all women should CHEAT!" fucking mentally challenged dirtbag asshole....

Whatever the case may be I've seen a few movies about exorcisms and as a result of it I've wanted to encounter a real possessed person to see if it's for real or not. In movies and comics, demons that possess people usually say some of the most sexually hardcore charged things. So you have to wonder if you slammed a demon possessed woman would the sex come back and haunt you later given that you yourself don't end up possessed afterwards?  

Down below is something I took from another website, the content written in red about movies related to the devil. Overall I find myself looking up demon possessed porn, it's new and different as far as I'm concerned, regular pornography bores the living hell out of me. The only problem is women do a better job acting out a demonic possession in real movies than they do in pornographic portrayals of a demon possession. Even Horrorporn doesn't quite get it with all the special effects, but then you watch one of these Devil Movies, and the acting is realistically believable that you have to wonder why do porn directors fail at capturing such realism?

 Demons are very tempting beings, their entire purpose is to destroy the hearts of men, some will prey on women and little ones too while breaking their spirit, getting them to rebel against the grace of GOD if they believe in such things. I don't think there's a single demon in existence that would do anything to improve a man's life, sure his sex life at the expense of his soul and sanity...But every culture have their own views of what demons are, and maybe some demons are considered good. 

All I know is the Succubus in Saint sinner and the demon possessed woman in Excorist From God put  sexual thoughts in my head to find a woman with demons inside her and just nail the shit out of her pussy even if shes puking, and talking to me in that scary horrifying voice, and now I want to fuck either one of them dry in the ass until it hurts them just to hear the scream of agony. Does the demon have my soul?  Not likely, KNEEL BEFORE THE DARK ARTS MASTER OR I'LL SMITE YOUR ASS LIKE GRETCHEN WOLF!

Devil Movies

While not as dangerous as the occult, “devil movies” have caused serious psychiatric problems for some movie-goers. The Exorcist, a 1973 Elm based on William Peter Blatty’s best-selling novel, proved too shocking for some of its viewers. Sleeplessness, hallucinations, nightmares, and fear and suspicion of demon possession were among the problems some experienced after viewing the film. Nevertheless, the film did exceedingly well at the box office.

Blatty himself claims to have made contact with the spirit of his deceased father, and with the spirit of a sixteen-year-old Central European girl named Bats. It happened during a twenty-five-hour Ouija board session, while he was taking a break from writing The Exorcist.

Since the screening of Rosemary’s Baby in 1968, followed by The Exorcist in 1973, a whole spate of devil movies have been released. These films present some small amount of truth about demons and demon possession, but for the most part are purely fictional—the products of men’s imaginations. For example, demons do sometimes cause the people they possess to curse profusely, exhibit obscene behavior, and spew out vile, filthy language, as in The Exorcist. But demons (or the devil) do not impregnate women or female jackals, as in Rosemary’s Baby and The Omen.

Besides the harmful effects (for some people) of viewing such films, perhaps the greatest danger is the preoccupation with the spirit world some people develop after viewing. An unhealthy curiosity about the spirit world could lead to dabbling with spiritualism, whether occultism or the New Age variety. This could lead to encounters with evil spirits.

But some claim that “evil spirits” are not literal beings, but are “personified” psychiatric problems. What about it? Are Satan and his demonic cohorts real spiritual entities? Or are they mythical creatures fashioned in the imaginative minds of superstitious men?

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